Monday, May 19, 2014

I was so excited to meet all the students today. Today I was in a Third Grade classroom, and it was a great experience. To start off the day, the students did a typing exercise, and many students became frustrated because they had to type in a timely manner. It upset many when they could not type enough words, or they accidentally hit the wrong button. Then they did a spelling pre-test, and walking around I realized how much the students already knew. They will have to go home and study the words they got wrong, for a potential test on Friday. It was interesting how the teacher did spelling, I originally thought spelling was you study the words and get tested on the material. Instead she gave a pre-test which actually makes it more concrete for the students because they can visualize what words they do not know how to spell. Then the teacher reviewed a math test that many did not do well on. It was amazing to see how the students did after the teacher went over new strategies and they tried them. They had science, but instead went to a wax museum which was sponsored by the seventh and eighth grade. It was they had to research a particular person and memorize a speech and the student would go up and touch their shoulder and they would turn around and say their speech. It was very informative and I actually learned a ton. There was an unexpected fire drill at lunch and it was really hectic to get all the kids in order and to be quiet for so long. Many students wanted to sit and be loud and talk to people in different grades, but we had to keep them in order. In the afternoon, the teacher taught reading and the story seemed very interesting. I helped the kids come up with creative ideas for their teddy bear fashion show. Overall such a great first day!!


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