Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The sunflowers that we made today!
Today I was in a Kindergarten class, and it was a lot of fun! It was a lot different than a third grade class, the chairs were smaller, the tables, and there was even a bathroom in the room. When they all first walked in they all waved to me. They all wanted to know who I was and what I was doing and where I am from. They were so curious, and it took me back to when I was there age. They went over a story that they already had read, and then read a new story. It amazed how well they could read! Their vocabulary was so good! I was so impressed! They went around the room and read, which I thought was an excellent idea because then everyone got a chance. Then the teacher would call on them to go to the board to spell a new word which i also thought was an excellent idea. Then we made sunflowers, and i helped them glue all the pieces together. They even could cut out on straight lines, I was really amazed with their work. We did some math after that, and did worksheets on different shapes and even sang songs for circles so they did not get confused with how they had no edges. They had to identify the different shapes. Some struggled with the difference between squares and rectangles, but in the end got the hang of it. The students were filled with energy the whole day, but after lunch they did another reading assignment which I checked for them and then they got to go outside and play on the playground for alittle while because it was such a beautiful day! It was such an amazing day!! 


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